How To Start Amazon Affiliate Marketing in Pakistan 2023 – Blogging Tips 

In 2022 Amazon in Pakistan is currently trending topic and everyone seems to be talking about Amazon and Amazon affiliate marketing as a way to earn money without any investment, that’s why in today’s article we are going to tell you. We will provide all information about Amazon like How To Start Amazon Affiliate Marketing in Pakistan 2023? 

Well, there are many ways to earn money from Amazon in Pakistan, but the most popular and best way to earn money from Amazon is to create your own store and then sell the products from the store, but before that you need to:  A small investment will be required to set up a store. 

But if you are new in this field and you can’t afford this amount I mean you can’t invest then how can you earn money from Amazon Associate

Another way to earn money from amazon is amazon affiliate marketing, yes now amazon has its own affiliate program which you can join and start earning without investment.

Start Amazon Affiliate Marketing in Pakistan

If Amazon gives you the approval of the Affiliate Program then you will be able to share any product of Amazon through your link. If You Know What Amazon Is, That’s A Good Thing. 

But if you do not know then I have some basic information added for you. But before that I am going to give you some information about Amazon. 


First Let’s Talk About Affiliate Marketing?


Amazon Affiliate Marketing is a way to earn commission by promoting someone’s product. By the way, there are many such affiliate programs in the market. But if you are new to Amazon then this is the best platform for you. Because on this platform you can learn everything very easily through affiliate marketing. 


What is Amazon?  


Amazon is the biggest e-commerce store in the whole world with millions of inventory added. But if you also want to sell your product on Amazon, then first of all you have to register your store on Amazon. 

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

If Amazon gives you approval, then it is a good thing, after that you start selling your products in your store. 

When Amazon started. It was just a store of online books sellers. But now amazon is the biggest e-commerce store in the whole world. Amazon is offering you many such features like FBA, AWS, and Associates. So in today’s article, I will tell you about Amazon Associates, which you can join. You can start your own affiliate marketing journey.  


What is Amazon Associates?


Amazon Associate is a platform that is provided by Amazon, by joining which you can sell amazon products on a commission base. Yes, you can easily join the program for amazon affiliates. 

You need to apply for amazon associate for getting approval. But now before approval you must have a valid traffic source. Because if you don’t have a proper traffic source then amazon associates will reject your application maybe. 

If you join Amazon Associate, then if you sell any product. you will get a commission for that product in return. But in my opinion the commission rate of amazon is 2 to 10% on every sale. 

I have been working with Amazon Associate for 2 years and I speak from my experience and I know how Amazon associate works. You can get to see a lot of competition in whatever niche you want to work. That’s why you have to search for a low competition niche with a lot of effort. 

If you search for a low competition niche below amazon, then it is possible that you will also get a low commission rate. Because of the high commission rate niches, there is a lot of competition in this. If you are a beginner in amazon associate then you have never worked on high commission niches. You have to make an effort that you have to work on medium commission rate niches because If you work on these you will get to learn a lot things. 

When you know everything then you are a master amazon product selling then you can start work on high competition niches. Because at this time you will be able to work on high competition niches. 


Amazon Affiliate Commission 


So let’s talk about what’s commission rate is provided by amazon. Because this will give you an idea of ​​how much money you can earn in this category And this will help you decide which niches are best for you. But never select a high commission rate category.  


Amazon commsion rates


How To Start Amazon Affiliate Marketing In Pakistan?


If you want to sell any products, then you must have an audience. Because if you put your focus on building your audience then your own affiliate marketing can go to a next level. If you have an audience then you can join the amazon affiliate program. 

You can simply sign up for amazon associate, But before that you have to understand what is the monetization method of amazon associate. If you have an audience then you can easily monetize it.  

By the way, there are many such ways to promote any type of product. But before selling any product, you need to learn some skills like copywriting, social media marketing, lead generation, SEO and blogging. These skills help you to build your online business. 


How To Promote Amazon Products? 


After joining the Amazon Associates Program, the next step is to promote products for getting sales. By the way, there are many ways with the help of which you can promote your Amazon product. But I am going to share some long term ways with you. Which you can easily use to start selling your products. 

If you use your name then these ways to establish your name is a brand. If you are not using your name like a brand then these ways give your business a new identity. First of all, talk about our first way to build our audience. 


1. Youtube Channel


The first way with the help of which you can promote your product is YouTube channel. Because you don’t need any money to create and run a youtube channel. You only need a Google Gmail ID and with the help of which you can create your own YouTube Channel. But what type of youtube channel to create? The answer is so simple. 

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

You need to create a product review channel. Where you can make videos of your product reviews And add an affiliate link in your youtube video description. There are many YouTubers who watch your videos daily. Who provides you product reviews regularly. 

Like Khalid Technical, a channel where you can see mobile product reviews. So first of all, you need to start a youtube channel for your own product niche. Such as Smartwatch, Fashion, Gaming Accessories products etc. 

The second way with the help of which you can sell your product is to talk about your product from another YouTuber. You have to put a link of your product in that video on YouTube. If anyone buys your product by going to that video, then you will get a commission in return. Through this method also you can earn a lot of money. 


2. Blogging 


The second way to sell your product is blogging. You need a little investment in blogging. As you have to buy a domain and hosting for your blog. Hosting is your server which stores all the data on your website but the domain is the name of your website. 

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Blogging is a great way to promote any kind of product. Now let’s discuss how to start blogging and how to start an amazon affiliate blog. Like i said amazon affiliate is a very hot topic in pakistan. I specially thank ismail bloggers who promote amazon blogs.

Ismail Blogger has uploaded a detailed course on his YouTube channel, in which you will get all the information about amazon affiliate marketing. In this course, he described how you make an amazon blog. Which will provide you with a handsome amount of income. 

After watching Ismail Blogger’s course Then you can create a blog of your own product review. Then you can earn a lot of income using your product review blog. When your blog gains 10 to 20 clicks per day then you can apply for amazon associates because amazon has a policy you need to have 3 sales in 3 months after approval. 


3. Social Media  


The next way to promote your product is through social media. Your first work in creating social media accounts then joining the different groups and pages related to your niches and starting to ask group members to buy your products. In this method, you spend a lot of effort and earn a lot of rewards. 

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

If you’re selling mobile covers then you can go to facebook and join your niche related groups. After you can solve your group members queries and I am 100% granted after some time when you can gain group members’ trust. 

You can ask them to buy your product. But you should not promote such a type of product which is useless and you are promoting it only for commission. The second way is to create your own group and pages. Upload your niche related content to your pages and groups. It will definitely take some time but when your audience is built. 

After that you can sell anything because your audience will trust you. And now you can promote a variety of products in your groups. Which in my opinion is a very great idea for a person who can neither make a blog of his own nor can make a video.  

You will not create videos and not write articles on social media. Here you will only need graphic designing because you have to prepare a poster and upload your poster to your group and pages.


4. Paid Advertise


The latest way to promote your product at this time is Google Ads. But for this you will need to spend some money. I have a request to you that without any knowledge don’t spend money on google ads. Because if you have no knowledge of running google ads then you can lose your money, energy, and time. 

That’s why don’t spend your money without any experience and knowledge. When you know everything, then you can think about promoting your products through Advertisement. At this time, many platforms are available on the internet to run the ads such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and Twitter Ads, etc. 

The second thing you need to learn is to find your target audience. As you will see politics and celebrities on Twitter. On the other platforms such as instagram and facebook you can see a general audience. 

The last platform is LinkedIn. On LinkedIn you can see many professional companies like CEO’S and CMOS. So you can select your social media platform carefully and start work on it. 


How To Withdraw Money On Amazon Affiliates in Pakistan? 


So let’s talk about how you can withdraw money from amazon associates. You can’t take direct payment in your bank through amazon. Because Amazon does not offer its service in Pakistan. The reason is that Amazon Associate does not support any Pakistani Bank. 

It does not mean that you will not get your money back in Pakistan. You need to use a service to withdraw your money. Which helps to send your money amazon to Pakistan. 

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Every Pakistani uses payoneer for international payment. That’s why you need to create a payoneer account. To create an account of payoneer. You need an email and with that you have to follow the steps from creating a payoneer account. After creating a payoneer account. You have to login to your payoneer account. Payoneer provides you with UK, USS, and international banks which you can easily use to withdraw your payment. 

When payment is received in your payoneer account. Then you will need a Pakistani bank account which you will have to link to a payoneer account. At the time Faysal Bank is the bank which will provide you service and can directly connect with payoneer. 

Apart from this, you can also use a Jazz Cash account to withdraw money from payoneer. To create a Jazz Cash account, you need a sim, with the help of which you can easily create your own Jazz Cash account.  




Now let me tell you some tips, with the help of which you can earn money from Amazon for a long term and fast. My first tip is for you if you are newbie in the field of blogging then start your own amazon affiliate blog. Because you can learn a lot of things from blogging. 

Like copywriting, content writing, graphic designing, and SEO for skills start coming to you through blogging. When your blog ranks on google. You are able to earn a passive income with the help of that blog. Don’t work on such a niche thing that doesn’t work for the long term. 

You have to start a blog for which you have complete right information. If you want to earn more money from blogging then you can create more than one blog. 

My third tip to you is that you should never promote fake products only for a commission base. Because by doing this you can decrease your audience and blog. 

Which is my last tip to you that you should try to build your website as a brand. If you prepare your website as a brand, then this blog of yours will earn money for life time. And then you will not even need any kind of SEO. 

I hope you like my guide and tips on how to start affiliate marketing in Pakistan. If you liked this article today, then definitely share it with your friends. And if you have any questions related to this article, then you can ask us in the comment section. 


About Sharjeel Safdar

Hi Friends! Welcome To My Site. My Name is Abdul Rehman. I Am Founder And Writer Of This Blog And We Have Share All The Information About Bolgging, Make Money Online, Seo, Internet, Technology, Compelet Guide Step By Step Through This Site.

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